Unmasking Online Scams: The Martin Lewis Impersonation

martin lewis scam

The internet has revolutionised the way we live, work, and communicate, offering countless opportunities and conveniences. However, with this digital revolution comes the dark side – online scams. These scams can range from simple phishing attempts to elaborate schemes that prey on people’s trust. One such case is the story of Lisa, a victim who…

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Consider investment fraud victims

Victims of unregulated investment schemes and other financial frauds are frequently overlooked

It is somewhat common knowledge that white-collar criminals regularly dupe innocent investors into handing over their hard-earned cash. During the fallout of such cases, we often, understandably, hear about the perpetrators and their misdemeanours. White-collar criminals become famous. But rarely is a voice is given to victims of unregulated investment fraud and similar crimes. Remember…

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Police and financers warn of online bank fraud

Lobby group UK Finance note a record increase in the amount of money UK customers lost to online bank fraud in 2021

Bank customers lost a record £1.3 billion to online bank fraud last year, according to lobby group UK Finance. In 2021, investment fraud accounted for nearly one third of losses, with the promise of high returns enticing potential victims. UK Finance’s Annual Fraud Report notes that scammers are aware that pension freedoms have given over-55s…

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Beware the professional enabler

Professional enablers facilitate economic crime and crime systems

A lawyer, finance expert, or some other professional who acts as an enabler of an economic crime is referred to as a professional enabler. These are the people who will create, ignore, fail to identify, and purposely facilitate an economic crime or criminal system. In most cases, we only see the ‘face’ of the crime.…

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Sister and brother charged with £100m crypto scam

US authorities to prosecute brother and sister caught in crypto scam

Earlier this month, US authorities exposed another reason why you should be cautious of crypto-opportunities following the arrest of two siblings charged with of using a crypto scam to defraud investors out of $124 million (around £95m). Although we have recently posted several blogs on crypto scams, this story deserves coverage for two reasons: Between…

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How to avoid social media scams

An increasing number of people falling victim to social media investment scams

An increasing number of people are being duped into investing in social media scams. According to the US-based Federal Trade Commission, social media was “…far more profitable to scammers in 2021 than any other method of reaching people.” When you think about it, social media is a scammer’s dream. They have access to the same…

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