The Digital Smoke-The Largest Online Investment Scam

The Digital Smoke Scam

Have you heard of Digital Smoke? It was recently reported that one of the largest online investment scam networks (by size and volume of operations) has been identified. Investigators penned the name ‘Digital Smoke’ as once the group took payment from victims- they would disappear. They would then go on to set-up their next scampaign…

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Consider investment fraud victims

Victims of unregulated investment schemes and other financial frauds are frequently overlooked

It is somewhat common knowledge that white-collar criminals regularly dupe innocent investors into handing over their hard-earned cash. During the fallout of such cases, we often, understandably, hear about the perpetrators and their misdemeanours. White-collar criminals become famous. But rarely is a voice is given to victims of unregulated investment fraud and similar crimes. Remember…

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Swindlers and the power of persuasion

Fraudsters use the power of persuasion

Several posts have referenced convicted fraudster Elizabeth Holmes recently because the Theranos scandal is a good example of how the power of persuasion can lead to innocent investors losing substantial amounts. Many of those who invested in Theranos were shrewd and experienced. And yet, they were completely unaware of the fraud taking place under their…

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Lessons to learn from the Theranos investment fraud

Lessons to learn from the Theranos investment scandal

An interesting article in the San Diego Union-Tribune explores the issue of due diligence in the Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos investment fraud case. Author Neil Senturia offers amateur investors sound advice about the unregulated investment market. In his article, Senturia claims that: “… talking to a group of wealthy investors confirmed my suspicion that there…

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