Victims of Investment Scam Receive £2 Million Compensation

Not all superhero’s wear capes. One such tale revolves around John Gerard Metcalfe, from Essex whose actions led to a £2 million loss for several individuals. Metcalfe’s fraudulent investment scam ultimately brought him to bankruptcy and legal action in 2013. However, justice has a way of catching up, and in 2017, he was convicted of…

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Unmasking Online Scams: The Martin Lewis Impersonation

martin lewis scam

The internet has revolutionised the way we live, work, and communicate, offering countless opportunities and conveniences. However, with this digital revolution comes the dark side – online scams. These scams can range from simple phishing attempts to elaborate schemes that prey on people’s trust. One such case is the story of Lisa, a victim who…

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Consider investment fraud victims

Victims of unregulated investment schemes and other financial frauds are frequently overlooked

It is somewhat common knowledge that white-collar criminals regularly dupe innocent investors into handing over their hard-earned cash. During the fallout of such cases, we often, understandably, hear about the perpetrators and their misdemeanours. White-collar criminals become famous. But rarely is a voice is given to victims of unregulated investment fraud and similar crimes. Remember…

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BBC expose unregulated investment scam

The BBC has shone a light on a huge investment scheme failure this week in Panorama: The Billion Pound Savings Scandal. The show centres on the failure of unregulated investment scheme Blackmore Bond, which collapsed owing investors over £40m. As per many of these situations, prospective investors were: Nevertheless, the scheme collapsed in April 2020…

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FCA and FSCS: “Investors should do more due diligence”

FCA and FSCS say investors must conduct more research to protect themselves against online scams

A survey by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found that many investors avoid doing due diligence because they found the process “complicated” and “time consuming.” According to the results of the study, 42% of Britons aged 18 to 24, who have money in investments, claim their latest investment was…

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Beware the professional enabler

Professional enablers facilitate economic crime and crime systems

A lawyer, finance expert, or some other professional who acts as an enabler of an economic crime is referred to as a professional enabler. These are the people who will create, ignore, fail to identify, and purposely facilitate an economic crime or criminal system. In most cases, we only see the ‘face’ of the crime.…

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